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SEIU Local 200United

13 Jul

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Permanent Solutions in the Rochester area. Just to give you an idea of the type of outfit this is, allow me to give you a little background on the company. The founder and CEO’s name is Ricardo Torres. He began his career as a union organizer and ended up as a high-ranking official with the Teamsters and later for the Steelworkers. He brags about his “inside knowledge” of how unions think and operate, and claims that he founded Permanent Solutions after leaving unions due to his experience of the “unethical world that unions created.”

He worked within labor unions between 1978 and 2001….he certainly didn’t seem to mind taking the salary paid for by the sweat off of union members’ backs for 23 years, did he? The website continues to spell out the services they offer to employers: training, consulting and public speaking seminars, spilling the secret inside details of the “Big Labor Machine.” Torres uses his 23 years working with Labor to promote his scab operation, helping Fortune 500 businesses destroy organizing attempts.

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