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Strike by game workers in the U.S. results in unprecedented win

14 Aug

By: Ricardo Torres


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Writers for Lovestruck, a mobile game produced by Voltage Entertainment USA, have won an average 78 per cent pay increase and greater transparency at work after a ground-breaking 21-day strike. It is the first successful game worker strike in the history of the game development industry.   The 21 workers, who write romantic interactive fiction, were were supported by UNI Global Union affiliate, the Communications Workers of America (CWA). CWA President Chris Shelton said:

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.uniglobalunion.org

I have been writing for the last few years of an emerging trend of global unions collaborating with American Labor. This is an article writing by the UNI Global union reporting about a small virtual strike by 21 writers who won a salary increase. What is interesting to me is that a successful virtual strike in the game development industry is a first, the expanding use of social media and technology in developing new union organizing tactics and the developing relationship between US and global labor organizations on a minute level. This is part of the organization’s self-description on their web site. “UNI Global Union, based in Nyon, Switzerland, represents more than 20 million workers from over 150 different countries in the fastest growing sectors in the world – skills and services. A total of 90% of new jobs are expected to be in these sectors in the next decade. UNI and our affiliates in all regions are driven by the responsibility to ensure these jobs are decent and workers’ rights are protected, including the right to join a union and collective bargaining.”

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