Positive Employee Relations HR Audit
Developed from a combination of the Japanese Kaizen continuous improvement principles and the proven Permanent Solutions Labor Consultant’s methodologies, the Positive Employee Relations HR Audit measures employee engagement levels and the overall effectiveness of your human resource department.
As part of the Positive Employee Relations HR Audit, PSLC auditors review physical working conditions, employee attitudes and engagement levels, leadership proficiencies and attitudes as well as the inner workings and levels of professionalism of the human resources department.
During the Positive Employee Relations HR Audit, our auditors will survey and interview a minimum of 50% of the employees from each department as well as the supervisors.In order to obtain a clear picture of any issues that exist, our auditors will speak to high performing employees, average employees and low performing employees. All interviews and surveys are done anonymously, putting the employees at ease in order to encourage open dialogs to uncover issues and concerns that may be affecting morale levels and productivity.