Ask a Union Organizer: Unionizing FAQs! —
We asked you to share your questions about unionizing. Here are some quick answers to your top five questions.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.reprojobs.org
Very basic questions and answers from a union organizer on an introductory 101 level but regardless an Interesting read. I have never heard of this organization before but It appears that their vision statement is to bring social and labor movement’s together for a united front. This is nothing new, labor strategists have been trying to cement coalition’s between the movements for decades, but has gained ground during this pandemic and economic crisis we are currently experiencing. Even through this organization doesn’t appear to be very sophisticated, and it has existed for some years, it is worth repeating that there is some growing collaborations between social and labor organizations created out of our present multiple crises. Their “about us” statement reads “ReproJobs believes in the radical possibility that organizations within the reproductive health, rights, and justice movements can lead the progressive movement by providing healthy, supportive, and empowering workplace environments that include inclusive cultures, generous policies, and thriving wages.”

Meet America’s Best Employers For New Graduates 2020
Forbes teamed up with market research company Statista to identify the companies most liked by new workforce entrants in our annual ranking of America’s best employers for new graduates.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.forbes.com

“Cover Up”: House Democrats Subpoena Documents That NLRB Refused to Share in Ethics Investigation
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.propublica.org

Over 800 nurses in Chicago hospital strike over failed contract negotiations
More than 800 nurses at the University of Illinois hospital (UIH) in Chicago went on strike starting Saturday morning after contract negotiations broke down over nurse-to-patient ratios.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: thehill.com
US labor agency finds merit in Kickstarter termination complaint
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.gamesindustry.biz

Trump Labor Board Upends Special Status of Union Stewards
And you thought it couldn’t get any worse! On July 21 the Trump-appointed National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) eliminated the special legal protections enjoyed by union grievance handlers for the past 70 years. In the interest of promoting workplace “civility,” the Board announced that employers will no longer be restrained from disciplining or discharging stewards or officers who use profanity or engage in other “abusive” actions in violation of an employer’s enforced code of conduct, even when these actions happen in the course of heated meetings with management.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: labornotes.org

Ex-UAW boss Dennis Williams set to plead guilty in embezzlement scheme
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.detroitnews.com

Biden threatens ‘personal price’ if business leaders oppose unions
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Monday threatened to impose “a personal price” on business leaders if they resist attempts to unionize during his presidency. Biden made t…
Sourced through Scoop.it from: nypost.com