New Rule Makes It Harder to Challenge Labor Practices – The New York Times
The National Labor Relations Board regulation scales back the responsibility of parent companies for violations by franchisees or contractors.
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The FBI Is Investigating Massive Embezzlement of Border Patrol Union Funds —
The head of the powerful union representing border patrol agents nationwide said the FBI is working to identify who stole some $500,000 out of the coffers of the El Paso local. The theft raises more questions about lawlessness in the union’s ranks.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.propublica.org

Foodora couriers win right to join a union in an ‘historic precedent’ for gig economy workers | The Star
The Ontario Labour Relations Board decision Tuesday opens the door for Foodora couriers to become the first app-based workforce in Canada to unionize.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.thestar.com

In a first, judge rules Instacart has misclassified its California workers
Instacart is not complying with the new “gig economy” law that requires workers to be considered employees, not independent contractors, a county judge in San Diego ruled….
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.nbcnews.com

Mike Bloomberg says he supports labor strikes
The billionaire businessman said he views labor strikes as highly effective, despite opposing unions throughout his career.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: nypost.com

Honda PH assembly plant closure: Too few cars | Inquirer Business
Honda Motor closed its Philippine assembly plant because it was no longer strategic to keep a factory that makes too few cars as other car manufacturers warned the government against any future policy…
Sourced through Scoop.it from: business.inquirer.net

School strikes this week: Schools at three of Ottawa’s four boards close Friday unless deal is reached
Ottawa’s English public and French-language schools will face another one-day strike this week unless there is a breakthrough in contract bargaining.However, there are also hopeful signs as t……
Sourced through Scoop.it from: ottawacitizen.com

Santa Clara County Employees Say Strike Could Happen Friday – CBS San Francisco
Some 12,000 workers represented by Service Employees International Union Local 521 plan to go on strike Friday unless the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors intervenes, the union said in a statement Sunday.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com

How AB5 is undercutting California’s creative sector –
Our Legislature has cast an inflexible blanket policy that’s now menacing much of California’s economic and cultural lifeblood: the arts.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.ocregister.com

The labor pains of ‘Medicare for All’
Labor unions are divided over whether to endorse a Democratic candidate for president in 2020 — and, if so, whom to choose. The influential Culinary Workers Union in Nevada declined to endorse any candidate, with members worried about what might replace the generous benefits they won by bargaining…
Sourced through Scoop.it from: ctmirror.org