Ryanair loses bid to overturn strike compensation payment orders
Airline had challenged decisions that it make payments to ten passengers…
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.irishtimes.com
Work Stoppages ‘Reach Highest Level In Nearly Two Decades’ – United Auto Workers’ 40-Day Walkout At GM Plants ‘Was Largest Strike Started Last Year’ – WNY Labor Today: Your On-Line Labor Newspaper,…
Your On-Line Labor Newspaper, Bringing You Labor News From Across The Nation, New York State & Western New York…
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.wnylabortoday.com
Ontario education unions announce one-day walkout that would close all schools on Feb. 21
Unions representing 200,000 Ontario education workers say their members will walk off the job on Feb.21 in a one-day strike that would close every school in the province.The strike would cancel cl……
Sourced through Scoop.it from: ottawacitizen.com
Walk the (Picket) Line
Unions Are Big Business
Unionization and the Proposed NLRA Amendments
UAW Organizing Failures & Contract Negotiations
One would think that the UAW would have learned from their previous failures to organize in the South, but their campaign in Nissan’s Canton, MS plant demonstrates otherwise. Read More “UAW Organizing Failures & Contract Negotiations”
Two-Front War
On this episode of PSLaborTalk, we’llbe discussing union corporate campaigns and micro-unions, including novel union organizing tactics that specialize in comprehensive and clandestine certification.