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12 Feb
Ryanair loses bid to overturn strike compensation payment orders

Airline had challenged decisions that it make payments to ten passengers…

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.irishtimes.com

12 Feb
Ontario education unions announce one-day walkout that would close all schools on Feb. 21

Unions representing 200,000 Ontario education workers say their members will walk off the job on Feb.21 in a one-day strike that would close every school in the province.The strike would cancel cl……

Sourced through Scoop.it from: ottawacitizen.com

07 Feb
Walk the (Picket) Line
In this episode, we explore the conditions that drive employees to strike and the strategies employed bylabor unions to encourage dissent and obstructionism in the workplace. Read More “Walk the (Picket) Line”

07 Feb
Unions Are Big Business
In this Podcast, host Bob Carroll andRicardo Torres look at unions as a business, examine why employees being represented by unions don’t understand that unions are a business,and also review some of the recent actions at the NLRB. Read More “Unions Are Big Business”

07 Feb
Unionization and the Proposed NLRA Amendments
As the new amendments to the NationalLabor Relations Act are still pending in Judicial Review, Cliff Hammondand Ricardo Torres talk about potential legal implications and what employers should expect for the future of Labor Relations, and what theycan do before these amendments are put into practice. Read More “Unionization and the Proposed NLRA Amendments”

07 Feb
UAW Organizing Failures & Contract Negotiations
UAW Organizing Failures & Contract Negotiations

One would think that the UAW would have learned from their previous failures to organize in the South, but their campaign in Nissan’s Canton, MS plant demonstrates otherwise. Read More “UAW Organizing Failures & Contract Negotiations”

07 Feb
Two-Front War
Micro-Unions and Corporate Campaigns

On this episode of PSLaborTalk, we’llbe discussing union corporate campaigns and micro-unions, including novel union organizing tactics that specialize in comprehensive and clandestine certification.

Ricardo Torres,
Clifford L. Hammond
Charles A. Krugel

Read More “Two-Front War”

07 Feb
Thoughts on the New Overtime Rules
Effective December 1, 2016, the Department of Labor’s updated rules under the FLSA will substantially change who can be “exempt” from overtime pay. The new rules basically double the current minimum pay forexempt employees and are estimated to add over $12 billion in new overtime costs to US businesses’ payrolls over the first three years. Read More “Thoughts on the New Overtime Rules”

07 Feb
The UAW’s Transformation over Time
Labor unions were a necessity in the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s and became a background feature of our work culture. Over time, though, the need for unions has almost disappeared and their importance in our culture has dwindled. Have you ever wonderedwhy?

Ricardo Torres,
Doug Grima
Bob Carroll

Read More “The UAW’s Transformation over Time”

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