Flex Your Muscles
Employer rights to counter union organizing drives are once again facing a challenge. The “Change to Win Coalition” and the AFL/CIO have cemented relationships with politicians who support laws to restrict the rights of companies to educate their employees on the realism of union representation. Read More “Flex Your Muscles”
Employee Handbooks
Firewall against Unions or an Open Invitation to Organize?
Our guest author this week is James Reid, IV, Employment Attorney at Maddin Hauser. Please join us to read his discussion of employment policies that should be reviewed for compliance with the NLRA (National Labor Relations Act). James can be reached via email at jreid@maddinhauser.com or phone at (248) 351-7060. Read More “Employee Handbooks”
Employee Free Choice Act and Election
Election Issue
Barack Obama Elected!
Democrats Gain Foothold In Congress!
What headlines are next?
Employee Free Choice Act Passes?
President Obama Signs EFCA Bill Into Law?
We expect a sea-of-change in labor law and regulation at the federal and state levels during the Obama administration. Permanent Solutions has developed a series of new training and coaching programs to help prepare your team to lead, manage and communicate with employeesand other stakeholders during these turbulent times. Read More “Election Issue”
The nationwide union battle is heating up and union officials are already adding up how much more uniondues they will be able to spend once the Employee Free Choice Act is signed into law. Read More “EFCA”
National union leadership is disconnected from their rank-and-file members. This serves as one of themost significant reasons that unions have been unsuccessful in re-growing their membership. While I was working at the George Meany Labor College, we unsuccessfully attempted to energize the membership into organizing successes by making the unions accountable to the membership through transparency in the organizing process. Think about it: We had millions of union members, each with their own connections, energy and resources. Read More “Disconnect”
CWG has Democratic Candidates up against the Wall
This could easily blow up in organized labor’s face. When I was a Union Official, we considered organizing political campaign staff, but realized that it would ultimately be a mistake. How could we continue to support “pro-labor” candidates that mistreat their campaign staff?
Read More “CWG has Democratic Candidates up against the Wall”
Could the NLRA Become a Pro-Union Manifesto?
Earlier this year, 106 professors and academics submitted a pro-unionmanifesto gag rule petition to the NLRB that could turn the NLRA into acompletely pro-union document. Read on to find out just how dangerous such a move would be to employers First and Fifth Amendment rights. Please read this article’s companion Confessions of a Union Organizer, which explores captive-audience meetings from the union’s perspective.
Read More “Could the NLRA Become a Pro-Union Manifesto?”
Cornell University Management Abuse Report
Read More “Cornell University Management Abuse Report”
Big Labor Goes Global
Years ago the Teamsters, USWA andmany other unions were targeting both foreign and domestic unions to forge alliances to aid their organizing efforts. The goal was to competehead-to-head with multi-national companies. Read More “Big Labor Goes Global”