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NLRB Affirms Kumho Illegally Suppressed USW Drive

18 Oct

By: Ricardo Torres


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The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has upheld findings that Kumho Tire illegally threatened and coerced workers at its Macon, Ga., site in a deliberate attempt to stop them from joining our union. More…

Sourced through Scoop.it from: m.usw.org

NLRB sides with USW in labor dispute with Kumho tires dating back to 10/17/2017, almost 3 years later they won the ULP charges against the company. In 2019 they had a second election and the USW union won by only 4 votes. The board made the decision for the union based on some blatant violations of the NLRA. Competent legal counsel, respect for the NLRA election process, a clear understanding of employee issues, a professional supervision team and an experienced labor consultant team will keep these types of amateur mistakes from happening. Just winning a union representation election (RC) is not enough, if afterwards your employees are divided and mistrustful of management, especially their direct supervisors then you have not truly won, resentful workers tend to continue their organizing activities, 2nd and 3rd organizing elections have a higher chance of success. When I was a National Organizing Director for the IBT and USW I use to tell my team, that we only have to win once, the company has to win every time!! Respect and fair treatment for the workforce has to be demonstrated, and after the union campaign has been defeated your team can move forward united.

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