Inside Edge Training Services

When it comes to training Permanent Solutions Labor Consultants has a unique approach. Our training is not only designed to deliver excellent results based on conventional thinking, but we also incorporate our unique “Inside Edge” of our history of being involved in the union movement to bring two points of view: “Managerial Success” and “How the Union Would Turn Your Employees Against You”. We just can’t help it, it is hardwired into our own “Corporate DNA”, so you get the added benefit.
This Inside Edge provides results unlike no other. The training delivered by Permanent Solutions Labor Consultants will not only provide a ROI on your investment in your leadership team by providing them with tools to enhance communication and drive production and service levels (which equates to increased profitability) but also provides a firewall between the unions and your employees.
All of our training programs were developed by using a combination of Union Officials, Union Organizers, Executive Leaders and Executive Human Resource, who all contributed their expertise into developing training that not only has proven outstanding results but changes the parts of your “Corporate DNA” that you have often wondered how to change.
Like our philosophy with consulting, we understand that all organizations have their own “Corporate DNA”, so we custom tailor each training experience to focus on the DNA and needs of your organization and deliver the results you desire, overcoming obstacles you have faced to seek out the training in the first place.