Our Partners or Clients
When union activity is suspected the first thing you want to do is contact your legal team and campaign management team. The second thing you want to do is get “boots on the ground” as quickly as possible. By having a First Response Union Avoidance (FRUA) Team at the ready, this can easily be accomplished.
Our 2 day FRUA Team training is designed for the most trusted members of your executive team who will be charged with leading union avoidance activity on behalf of your organization. They will be taken out of their comfort zones with real world union campaign strategies and tactics and taught how to counter them. The union operates in stealth mode when organizing. Upon discovery of union activity, you are most likely already several months behind the eight ball. With the leadership of a FRUA team in place, you are putting yourself in a favorable position to regain the attention and trust of your workforce while your legal team and campaign management team prepare for deployment.
• Running High-Level Management Meetings
• Preparing the War Room
• Maintaining Control of the Shop Floor
• Managing Through Threats and Violence
• Effective Captive Audience Meetings
• Managing Union Literature
• Controlling Rumors
• 25th Hour Speech