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Union Decertification

14 Jun

By: Ricardo Torres


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Executive Vice President and Host of Employee Relations Words of Wisdom, Bob Carroll talks with Brandon Grysko, an attorney at Fausone Bohn about the right way to get rid of a union if employees decide they are no longer wanted.

Whether you are an employee looking to "decertify" your union or a owner, leader, manager or supervisor, this video touches on the process. In future episodes we will explore decertification from the employees standpoint as well as the employers standpoint.

Decertification is an employee driven process and management needs to know and understand their rights while employees are collecting signatures to file a RD petition with the NLRB. It is important to understand that as an employer you can’t interfere with the process until a petition is filed where you can move forward with a campaign, educating employees on why the idea of a decertification may be the right choice for them to make.

#Decertification #UnionFree #UnionAvoidance

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.youtube.com

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