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07 Oct
Judge sides with Chicagolocal in Teamsters union spat, finds James P. Hoffa ally ‘not credible’ – Chicago Tribune

A federal judge ruled Tuesday that James P. Hoffa, president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, had improperly put a trustee in charge of running a local union last year after ousting its leadership team.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.chicagotribune.com

06 Oct
Southwest seeks pay cuts from unions to avoid layoffs through 2021

Southwest Airlines said on Monday it is asking unions to agree to pay cuts in order to prevent furloughs and layoffs through 2021 as the industry struggles to stem losses from the coronavirus pandemic in the absence of more federal aid.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: apple.news

05 Oct
Amazon: More than 19,000 employees have tested positive for coronvirus

More than 19,000 front-line Amazon employees have tested positive or been presumed positive for the novel coronavirus since the start of the pandemic, the company said last week. The data — the first of its kind released by Amazon — included all Amazon and Whole Foods Market front-line employees across the U.S. employed between March 1 and Sept. 19, a total of 1,372,000 workers. It comes months after many Amazon employees spoke out abou

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.seattlepi.com

05 Oct
Amazon workers rally outside Jeff Bezos’ home to demand change

Protesters marched in Los Angeles to push for higher pay, increased taxes on the rich and improved workplace safety.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.cbsnews.com

05 Oct
‘I don’t care to listen to him anymore’: Coal miners turn their backs on Trump over failed promises – Raw Story

In a deep dive by the New York Times into how coal miners have fared under Donald Trump, the president was blistered for making promises he didn’t keep as the industry continues to collapse and miner unemployment soars.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.rawstory.com

05 Oct
Strike shuts down four Equinor fields in the North Sea – OGV Energy

The trade union Lederne has stepped up its strike on the Norwegian continental shelf from Sunday midnight. As a result of the escalation, Equinor has conducted a controlled closure of the fields Gudrun, Gina Krog, Kvitebjørn and Valemon.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.oilandgasvisionjobs.com

04 Oct
Labor Authority Abandons Decades of Precedent, Eviscerates Union Bargaining Rights

Across multiple decisions on Wednesday, the agency that governs federal sector labor law removed unions’ right to midterm bargaining and made it harder for unions to demand agencies bargain over changes to working conditions.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.govexec.com

04 Oct
Massive Layoffs Are Underway Across the U.S., Threatening the Already Frail Recovery

Airline industry workers hold signs during a protest in Federal Plaza in Chicago, Illinois, on September 9, 2020. U.S. employers brought back 661,000 workers in September, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics figures released Friday. The unemployment rate clocked in at 7.9%, down from 8.4% in August. About half of the jobs lost to the pandemic have returned. The problem, economists say, is that the pace of recovery is slowing. Going forward, we may see only incremental employment gains

Sourced through Scoop.it from: apple.news

02 Oct
Hoffa and Vairma Give Green Light to Corruption

In a critical test of whether our union leaders can root out corrupt officials who abuse their positions, a narrow majority on the IBT General Executive Board (GEB) voted 12-11 to give a pass to corrupt Teamster power broker Rome Aloise.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.tdu.org

TDU (Teamsters For a Democratic Union) is an organization made up of rank and file teamster members who’s goal is to rid corruption from the union’s leadership. TDU was largely responsible for Ex IBT President Ron Carey and almost all of his slates rise to power in 1991. They published this article about the failure of IBT President Jimmy Hoffa’s administration to hold Teamsters officials accountable for violating the union’s constitution. It doesn’t surprise me that even in this time of heighten attention of corruption by the UAW union’s top officials, the Teamsters are snubbing their noses at clear ethical violations within their ranks!

30 Sep
Unfriendly skies: Airline workers brace for mass layoffs

DETROIT (AP) — The worries are growing for United Airlines flight attendant Jordy Comeaux. In a few days, he’ll be among roughly 40,000 airline workers whose jobs are likely to evaporate in…

Sourced through Scoop.it from: apnews.com

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