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Hoffa and Vairma Give Green Light to Corruption

02 Oct

By: Ricardo Torres


Comments: 1 Comment.

In a critical test of whether our union leaders can root out corrupt officials who abuse their positions, a narrow majority on the IBT General Executive Board (GEB) voted 12-11 to give a pass to corrupt Teamster power broker Rome Aloise.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.tdu.org

TDU (Teamsters For a Democratic Union) is an organization made up of rank and file teamster members who’s goal is to rid corruption from the union’s leadership. TDU was largely responsible for Ex IBT President Ron Carey and almost all of his slates rise to power in 1991. They published this article about the failure of IBT President Jimmy Hoffa’s administration to hold Teamsters officials accountable for violating the union’s constitution. It doesn’t surprise me that even in this time of heighten attention of corruption by the UAW union’s top officials, the Teamsters are snubbing their noses at clear ethical violations within their ranks!

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