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Big labor’s structural racism is bigger than the problem with police unions | Opinion

07 Jul

By: Ricardo Torres


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“Unions have used collective bargaining to protect their members from accountability for racist killing. And, in doing so, they may well have made such killing more likely and more frequent.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.nj.com

The AFL/CIO is showing solidarity with the police unions. When I was a National Strike Director I often wondered where was the police union’s solidarity to us. I questioned their solidarity because they were union and had a job to do. Their job included controlling the peace. Sometimes they went too far, kicking over burn barrels, tear gassing peaceful strikers, making arrests and using riot teams to beat on strikers. To be fair, most of the police were reasonable and just doing their job and controlling angry strikers can be challenging. the though that they did not support union brothers and sisters disturbed me at the time.. Police unions were always a different breed and the idea that they played by the same rules as other unions was ridiculous. I led a successful union organizing campaign years ago with the Daytona Beach, Florida police department and realized just how different they were. unions will always try to get the upper hand when dealing with police response times during chaotic strikes. Now strike security plans are more important than ever. Message me on LI or email me at rtorres@pslabor.com for more info.

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