Fact Check – Anti Union Consultants Baffled by Labors Comeback #Facts #Unions
An article was written entitled “Anti-Union Consultants Are Baffled by Labor’s Comeback” that focused strongly on PSLCs EVP, Bob Carroll’s Social Media post (our standard weekly newsletter which is a collection of news stories regarding Labor and Business).
PSLC believes we needed to set the record straight on a few things stated in the article. PSLC believes in using FACTS when working with our clients and will continue to use facts as long as we are in business.
Watch Bob break down the reality of the points this writer is using in this particular article.
#Facts #truth #PSLC #News #getthefacts #UnionAvoidance #employeeengagement #Covid #workplace #leadership #communication
Read the full article at: www.youtube.com
NLRB Is Reviewing a Rule Change That Has Helped Bosses Bust Unions for Decades
Under the Joy Silk doctrine, the NLRB may be able to effectively force bosses into recognition of a union.
Read the full article at: truthout.org